
Tim D.

July 24, 2022

"While donating clothing items at Green Drop in Bethesda I noticed a mobile site that offered PCR testing for COVID. I've had my two shots and booster and aware of the various strains out there so I decided to get tested. I pulled up to the area outside the mobile building and honked the horn as instructed on a sign outside and a moment later IVO NGONG came out and asked if I had an appointment, I didn't but didn't realize I did. IVO advised me to make an appointment using my mobile phone and once done he could perform the test. I'm technically challenged using my mobile only for talking and texting, so IVO made the appointment for me and moments later I was on my way. I didn't know what to expect, but the last thing I thought would be that of a medical technician standing outside in 90 plus degree temperature making an appointment for me. What a patient and extremely helpful man. I must have thanked him a dozen times. Simply said, what a great experience. Thank you again Mr. IVO NGONG."

James O.

January 8, 2022

"I came into contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID. I wanted to receive a COVID test and found the LJ Medical website. I scheduled a COVID test appointment. When I arrived at the Montrose Road office, I was assisted by Nash. He realized that I did not have the necessary email confirmation. He assisted me by using my identification information and scheduled immediate appointments for me. I received the test that same day. Nash’s efforts were outstanding, very professional and courteous. I greatly appreciate his extraordinary efforts."

Gary & Mary J.

January 8, 2022

"My husband and I had been in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID. We were anxious to receive a COVID test. We found the LJ Medical website and sought to schedule a COVID test appointment. Unfortunately, we did not receive an email confirmation of the confirmed appointment we made online. When we arrived at the Montrose Road office, we were met by Nash. He realized that we did not have the necessary email confirmations. He assisted us by using our identification information and scheduled immediate appointments for us. We received the tests that same day. Nash’s efforts were extraordinary, very professional and courteous; he made us feel comfortable in receiving our tests. We greatly appreciate his outstanding efforts."


LJ Medical Health and Wellness Clinic

121 Congressional Ln #204, Rockville, MD 20852

(301) 917-4139

Fax (877) 803-4509

Business Hours

Monday: ------------9:00 AM - 5 PM

Tuesday: ------------9:00 AM - 5 PM

Wednesday: --------9:00 AM - 5 PM

Thursday: -----------9:00 AM - 5 PM

Friday: ---------------9:00 AM - 5 PM

Saturday: ------------9:00 AM - 1 PM

Sunday: --------------Closed

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